Cooking Tips

Cooking Tips by Sinomedica - Fennel and Green Beans

Written by Admin | 01-Jan-1970


  • One fennel
  • Fine green beans
  • One teaspoon of fennel seeds
  • One-half teaspoon of sumac (optional)


Preparation 5 minutes, cooking 10 minutes.

Cut the fennel into thin slices and cut the green beans in half.

Heat some olive oil in a frying pan. Once hot, add the fennel seeds and sauté the oil for 10-20 seconds without letting the seeds burn.

Then add the fennel, green beans and flor and cook over medium-high heat for about 10 minutes.
The vegetables should be just cooked and remain crisp.

If desired, add sumac, a delicate, fruity and slightly acidic spice. It is also a symbol of good living! If you add sumac, salt the dish less.