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How Acupuncture can protect against Coronavirus

Written by Admin | 11 Dec 2020

Acupuncture reduces stress and anxiety and stimulates the immune system

The coronavirus is still all over the news and on everybody’s mind nowadays.

Just about anyone could catch the novel coronavirus but it is especially affecting those who have compromised immune systems. Obesity, Type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension are the most common diseases in patients with coronavirus infections. However, the good news is that these diseases are reversible by changing lifestyle and diet. Therefore, prevention is the key. Researchers conclude that acupuncture benefits, regulates and strengthens the immune system.

Acupuncture can also be an answer as a supplementary treatment to lifestyle modification and a diet as acupuncture regulates the autonomic nervous system and hormones and is effective to reduce the appetite. Stress and anxiety can be a major cause of immune weakness. Acupuncture has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, regulate the autonomic nervous system and stimulates immune system.

Even people who are normally healthy should boost their immune system and reduce stress for additional protection against this virus. Thus, with the threat of COVID-19 there may have never been a better time to address and improve the chronic state of our health. So now is the time to act, get healthy, be positive, reduce stress and improve our immune system. This crisis is an opportunity for us to create a completely healthy lifestyle. And acupuncture can be of a great help in this difficult and stressful time.

Dr. Med. Raymond Landgraaf (author) & Dr. Med Massimo Fumagalli (co-author)