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22 Jul 20243 min read

Acupuncture: The natural remedy for knee pain

Acupuncture is an ancient art that continues to demonstrate its effectiveness in treating ...
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20 Jun 20244 min read

Lose weight for summer with acupuncture

As summer approaches, shedding those extra pounds accumulated during the winter months ...
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30 Apr 20246 min read

Acupuncture: an effective remedy for headaches and migraines

Scientific studies and clinical data confirm the effectiveness of medical acupuncture in ...
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08 Mar 20247 min read

Suffering from hay fever? Acupuncture could be your natural remedy

In a world where natural and non-invasive solutions are increasingly sought after for ...
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05 Jan 20244 min read

Beat the holiday blues with acupuncture

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02 Nov 20232 min read

Sinomedica proves the effectiveness of acupuncture for weight loss

Sinomedica is excited to bring forth findings from two revolutionary studies, authored by ...
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05 Jun 20234 min read

Acupuncture for Anxiety: An Effective and Safe integrative Treatment

Exploring the Benefits of Acupuncture for Anxiety Relief and its Mechanisms
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05 May 20233 min read

Acupuncture: the natural remedy for rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis affects more than 1.4 billion people worldwide and is a major cause of ...
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29 Jul 20222 min read

Acupuncture as an alternative for pain management

Numerous clinical studies have shown that acupuncture is effective in the treatment of a ...
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04 Apr 20223 min read

Acupuncture: a cure for the side effects of cancer therapies

Integrated oncology: union of traditional medicine and acupuncture Oncological diagnosis ...
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03 Mar 20222 min read

The benefits of acupuncture to cure insomnia

What should I do to maintain a healthy sleep hygiene and when do I need help? Healthy ...
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01 Jan 20222 min read

Acupuncture treatment to improve fertility

Both men and women are affected by infertility. Worldwide an increasing number of couples ...
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