The benefits of acupuncture to cure insomnia
What should I do to maintain a healthy sleep hygiene and when do I need help? Healthy ...
Acupuncture treatment to improve fertility
Both men and women are affected by infertility. Worldwide an increasing number of couples ...
Acupuncture and cooking in a jar, vacuum-packed, the solution to reach your ideal weight! ...
Burnout: a cost to health, and more...
What is the real cost of burnout ? Burnout causes annual costs of about 2.4 billion in ...
Acupuncture: natural relief during pregnancy
Acupuncture has been helping pregnant women for thousands of years. The journey to ...
How Acupuncture can protect against Coronavirus
Acupuncture reduces stress and anxiety and stimulates the immune system
Protecting against Covid-19 by stimulating the immune system
Can acupuncture boost the immune system to protect against Covid-19?
Acupuncture as an alternative to opioids for pain management
Every day 130 people die of an overdose of opioids in the USA alone. Over the past 15 ...
Losing Weight With Acupuncture
Acupuncture: an effective treatment for obesity and overweight. Health problems resulting ...
Acupuncture is effective against back pain
The effectiveness of acupuncture has been clinically proven to fight back pain. A recent ...
Acupuncture and post-stroke treatment
Among stroke patients, it is a common practice to seek integrative medicine therapies to ...
Lose 40 kilos in four months and a half!
In the editorial of the last issue of the Swiss Foundation Against Obesity magazine, its ...